Feels like sharing this issue with my dear reader (coz u r special to me..hihi =D) Before that, let's read few episodes in my life =P
Episode 1:
Last week, I got a call from my mum telling me that my cousin (who work with LHDN) inform about the job vacancy at LHDN. Let me tell u one thing about LHDN, the starting salary there is much more higher than bank or gov can offer u!!!! (Ding..ding..ding..sy mula jd mata duitan..hihi...) I feel like wanna try to apply (I am serious!!) Then my mom said: "buat apa, awak kan dah keje dgn bank rakyat. nnt YANG DIKEJAR TAK DAPAT, YANG DIKENDONG BERCICIRAN." Dush, rasa tertamparr...=D
Episode 2:
Last friday, got a message from a friend who was a bit upset with her life (in terms of career achievement). She still work under contract and therefore, she feels like she was left behind compared to her other friends. My dear, I felt the same thing about a year ago. I finished study late (u know y), I worked in small firm (the rest of my friend work with well-known firm), I am still single (while most of my friend are married and some have their own babies already) and etc...
- OK, enough with 2 episodes only -
Lets think about this...
Tak ada seorang manusia pun yang akan boleh menafikan (I guess..) hakikat yang kita (sbg manusia) takkan pernah rasa puas dengan apa yang ada dalam genggaman kita (a.k.a apa yang kita Ada atau miliki). Do u agree with me??
If we look at Maslow's hierarchy of need chart above, its proven (based on research) we human being will never satisfy with what we had. After our basic needs has been fulfilled we start to think and work for other needs (for example, safety needs, love needs n etc...). Agree or not? (U know yourself better..)
Let's take my case for an example, Alhamdulillah, I had a secure job right now, but still considering for another job with higher paid to fulfill other needs. Alhamdulillah, I think I manage to fulfill my basic needs (such as food, shelter, car n etc..) but i need more money to buying an asset (such as house for example).hihi...
But, Islam is such a beautiful religion, not just a religion, indeed its a beautiful way of life. The teaching of redha and syukur, prevent us form being so greedy. Correct or not?
I always tell myself: "InsyaAllah nadia, rezeki tu memang Allah dah tentukan, cuma cepat atau lambat. itu awak kena usaha!!Cepat atau lambat itu adalah ujian untuk uji kesabaran. So, jangan compare atau persoalkan kenapa orang lain dapat benda yang lagi best! Jangan selalu merungut! nanti Allah tarik balik semua yang awak dah dapat. Cuba tengok orang sekeliling, ramai lagi yang susah. U r very lucky nadia!!Yes, U r very lucky!!"
Hihi..itulah terapi untuk menenangkan gelodak jiwa yang kadang-kadang sukar diramal...Of course that's only temporary therapy, the best therapy is Munajat and Tawakkal pada Allah =). And dont forget this doa:
"Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri ni’matMu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan pada ibu bapakku dan untuk mengerjakan ‘amal shalih yang Engkau ridhai, dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaMu yang shalih"
Bersyukur pun harus minta ilham/petunjuk dr Allah..betapa lemahnya kita berbanding Allah...Oh Allah, please forgive me...