Thursday, June 30, 2011

Harus terus berjalan...

“Walau apapun terjadi...
berjalanlah tanpa henti…
Air mata tertahan

Waktu untuk dijatuhkan..."

This part song keep playing on my mind…if I’m not mistaken it’s a song from Dato’ CT. Surprisingly I only remember that part of song only, caused it always play in drama (hihi..I have to admit that I’ve become the loyal viewer of Malay drama since I’m back to Malaysia..well, what to do, that’s the way I entertained my aunty =)) –end–

Since few months ago, I feel so lost, everything seem not right, every plan seem ruined and few other unpleasant events happens in my life. Huh, i’m tired!i’m serious about it! When I avoid thinking about it, it become worse…I was thinking “Do I make a right decision? Is my decision was guided by Allah? Or actually I was following my nafs only?”

Huh, I KNOW that I shouldn’t give up…because life is a test, we will be tested till the day of judgment! [Oh Allah, Please guide me] Knowing is not won't solve any problems! Yes, I have to ACT! Huh, then come to my mind, which one should I gave priority? C’mon, u have to ACT!ACT!ACT! You shouldn’t just sit, see and wait…

“Apa pun yang terjadi…berjalanlah tanpa henti…”

I know some of u is concern about me (my heart told me, hope it said the truth), iAllah I’m struggling and finding my way to get back on the right track as I planned...

I’m sorry if I’ve hurt u unintentionally …

Do pray for us…

Alhamdulillah, this evening I manage to settle one problem/conflict at office. Though it’s not my fault, but I find peaceful when I said sorry to her. Benarlah kata ulama’, memafkan itu kunci ketenangan dan kebahagiaan...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Februari...bulan berkasih sayang..

Wait!!! Don't get me wrong..I don't want to write about Valentine, it's clearly HARAM!! No I believed my beloved readers already know and will never ever celebrate it, iAllah..=)

Since February is going to end and I haven't post anything yet, I just want to share my special moments/occasions/events happened to me in this February =). Anyway, my February schedule is full with Ukhuwah activities, from beginning till now..and that's the reason why I choose the tittle for this post =D

My February start with Zaza's informal birthday celebration (celebrate la sgt kn?hihi..sorry za, no cakes for your birthday..)I could say it just a simple but warm gathering...Happy to catch-up with K.Aishah Hasni, K.Saadah and Syahirah..and of course u, Zaza..=)

Then, My family and I went to Johor during CNY to visit my aunt's long lost adopted daughter. I supposed to meet my dearest ukhti Shahadah. But, she went back to Kuantan [Shahadah, dah byk kali kita rancang nk jumpa, asyik tak jadi je..=( Anyway, we plan, yet Allah is the best planner =)] However, I manage to find time to meet Jamie and K.izzah...a very short but sweet gathering...Coming back from Johor, we visited my mom's and aunt's long lost friend and my cousin..[memang jalan sakan la kitaorg..!!]

Then, during Maulidurrasul, I went back to my hometown..Kedah negeri Jelapang Padi =)) [Jemputla ye dtg jln2 ke utara..] Alhamdulilah within 4 days break I manage to spent 1 whole day with my aunty, who just recovered from breast was a very pleasant feelings, its been a long time i never spent time like this with her...It's a double joy when I manage to sew a pair of baju kurung at her house...tadaaa...

Besides, I also met my new uncle =D. my aunt juz got married again after 12 years her husband passed away..I was working and not able to attend their wedding in Dec. OTW back to KL, I stop at Penang to meet Fizahhhh...happy to get free entertainment..hihi..u know Fizah well enough..happy go lucky and always make jokes...Then, back to KL...

Wait!! I'm not done yet..Last Wednesday I decided to cook Tomyam and fried the 'ikan pekasam' (yummy2, terliur kejap =D) and I invited Sarah and Liyana for Dinner at my rented house...Sarah came for before Maghrib session and Yana came for after Maghrib session..[chewahh..macam consultant la plak..) Did'nt mean to arrange different session for them, but Allah's is always the best =D. I thank Allah for this, at least I had a more personal catch-up/sharing session with each one of them..=D

See...I told you Feb 2011 is my bulan berkasih sayang..hihi..and Feb still left few more days and I'm looking forward for this coming weekend. IAllah will having a get together session with Ms. Farah, Ms. Sarah, Ms. Yana and Puan Aini...another Ukhuwah activity,yay!!

I need to grab any opportunities for Ukhuwah activities caused it's really hard to arrange a proper plan since everyone is busy with so many, family and personal matters..

I thank Allah for this Ukhuwah and wonderful friends..
Dear friends, Jazakillah hu khair for your time,understanding, patience and everything..Only Allah can rewards you for all the good things that you have done/given to me..

"A man went to visit a brother of his in another village. Allah (SWT) sent an angel to wait for him on the road. When the man came along, the angel asked him, 'Where do you intend to go?' He said, 'I'm going to visit my brother of mine who lives in this village.' The angel asked, 'Have you done him any favor (for which you are seeking repayment)?' He said, 'No. I just love him for the sake of Allah (SWT)' The angel told him, 'I'm a messenger to you from Allah (SWT), sent to tell you that He loves you as you love your brother for His sake.'"
[HR Muslim]

My dearest readers, let's set our niat and keep reminding each other to correct our niat...
With niat, a normal/usual activities could bring an extraordinary impact to our life in this dunia and hereafter, iAllah...=D

"Mari membiasakan yang cantik...dan mencantikkan yang biasa..."

Lots of Loves,
Ms. Nadia

Monday, January 24, 2011

Prevention is better than cure...

Wake up in the morning with back pain and muscle ache..hukhuk...

Alhamdulillah...last weekend manage to jogging at Taman Tasik Permaisuri, Cheras. Its a nice sunday morning indeed...My nephew said: "Maklong tomorrow (Monday) we need to come again k!!" [Dia nk perli maklong dia keerr?? weekend la plak kita pegi ye abg long =)] Now you know why i'm suffering form back pain and muscle ache...padan muka eden, sape suruh lama tak exercise...huhu...=P

Seriously, i need to start exercise (besides walking up and downstairs to LRT and office...)!! In need of a healthy lifestyle. Hearing news of people died because of heart attack make me so scared...

Betul mati itu pasti, no one can escape from Israil (Malaikat maut) kita bertanggungjawab menjaga dan memastikan badan kita sentiasa sihat (its an amanah from Allah)...Seperti sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:

Seorang mukmin yang kuat itu lebih baik dan lebih dikasihi oleh Allah dari mukmin yang (dhoif) lemah”.

Juga maksud sabda baginda SAW lagi:

“Sesungguhnya bagi jasad kamu ada hak ke atas kamu (penjagaan)”.

So, before we have been diagnosed, let's start a healthy lifestyle!!! Especially to me where most of my uncles and aunties has been diagnosed with diabetes...

To my beloved reader (because you are special to me..hihi..) please do take care of your health...=)

Its a simple guide to a healthy lifestyle...=D

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Memang tak puas!!

Feels like sharing this issue with my dear reader (coz u r special to me..hihi =D) Before that, let's read few episodes in my life =P

Episode 1:

Last week, I got a call from my mum telling me that my cousin (who work with LHDN) inform about the job vacancy at LHDN. Let me tell u one thing about LHDN, the starting salary there is much more higher than bank or gov can offer u!!!! ( mula jd mata duitan..hihi...) I feel like wanna try to apply (I am serious!!) Then my mom said: "buat apa, awak kan dah keje dgn bank rakyat. nnt YANG DIKEJAR TAK DAPAT, YANG DIKENDONG BERCICIRAN." Dush, rasa tertamparr...=D

Episode 2:

Last friday, got a message from a friend who was a bit upset with her life (in terms of career achievement). She still work under contract and therefore, she feels like she was left behind compared to her other friends. My dear, I felt the same thing about a year ago. I finished study late (u know y), I worked in small firm (the rest of my friend work with well-known firm), I am still single (while most of my friend are married and some have their own babies already) and etc...

- OK, enough with 2 episodes only -

Lets think about this...

Tak ada seorang manusia pun yang akan boleh menafikan (I guess..) hakikat yang kita (sbg manusia) takkan pernah rasa puas dengan apa yang ada dalam genggaman kita (a.k.a apa yang kita Ada atau miliki). Do u agree with me??

If we look at Maslow's hierarchy of need chart above, its proven (based on research) we human being will never satisfy with what we had. After our basic needs has been fulfilled we start to think and work for other needs (for example, safety needs, love needs n etc...). Agree or not? (U know yourself better..)

Let's take my case for an example, Alhamdulillah, I had a secure job right now, but still considering for another job with higher paid to fulfill other needs. Alhamdulillah, I think I manage to fulfill my basic needs (such as food, shelter, car n etc..) but i need more money to buying an asset (such as house for example).hihi...

But, Islam is such a beautiful religion, not just a religion, indeed its a beautiful way of life. The teaching of redha and syukur, prevent us form being so greedy. Correct or not?

I always tell myself: "InsyaAllah nadia, rezeki tu memang Allah dah tentukan, cuma cepat atau lambat. itu awak kena usaha!!Cepat atau lambat itu adalah ujian untuk uji kesabaran. So, jangan compare atau persoalkan kenapa orang lain dapat benda yang lagi best! Jangan selalu merungut! nanti Allah tarik balik semua yang awak dah dapat. Cuba tengok orang sekeliling, ramai lagi yang susah. U r very lucky nadia!!Yes, U r very lucky!!"

Hihi..itulah terapi untuk menenangkan gelodak jiwa yang kadang-kadang sukar diramal...Of course that's only temporary therapy, the best therapy is Munajat and Tawakkal pada Allah =). And dont forget this doa:

"Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku ilham untuk tetap mensyukuri ni’matMu yang telah Engkau anugerahkan kepadaku dan pada ibu bapakku dan untuk mengerjakan ‘amal shalih yang Engkau ridhai, dan masukkanlah aku dengan rahmatMu ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaMu yang shalih"

Bersyukur pun harus minta ilham/petunjuk dr Allah..betapa lemahnya kita berbanding Allah...Oh Allah, please forgive me...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Toink! Toink! Toink!


What a great and perfect weekend. Did a lot of things this weekend such as visiting/hangout with friend, reading books & articles, riadah with my cousin and nephews, as well as doing housework (laundry, mopping, cooking n lipat baju).

And..tomorrow I will officially become part of the Internal Audit team in BKRM. I dont even start, yet could feel the stress. Even though I will only start tomorrow, they already gave me the first assignment (grr...a bit nervous). I need to prepare a slide presentation for my boss for his talk. And I have to submit it by 11 Jan 2011. Please pray for me...

Anyway, talking about STRESS....It's like a must in everyone's life. Stress could lead to a negative or positive outcome, it really depends on how u manage it. But, let's look at it in positive way. I'm sure most of u heard about this quote previously:

"Jadilah seperti spring, semakin kuat tekanan semakin tinggi lonjakan"

As for me, I want to be a spring that always toink..toink..toink (read: melonjak)....=)

Hope u have a great weekend and enjoy it while it last..=D

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Menanti belahan jiwa

Salam semua...

Found an article from entitled Menanti Belahan Jiwa and feel like sharing with all the readers (ada ke yg baca blog ni??hihi...)

Kegelisahan, kedukaan dan air mata adalah sebahagian daripada sketsa hidup dan kehidupan kita sekalian hamba di dunia ini. Titisan air mata yang bermuara dari hati dan berselaputkan kegelisahan jiwa terkadang memilukan hingga mencipta keresahan dan kebimbangan. Kedukaan kerana kerinduan yang teramat sangat dalamnya menyebabkan kepedihan yang menyesakkan ruang dada. Jiwa yang rapuh pun mengadu, berkeluh-kesah pada alam serta isinya, bertanya di manakah pasangan jiwa berada. Lalu hati mencipta serpihan kegelisahan, bagai anak kecil yang kehilangan ibunya.

Keinginan bertemu pasangan jiwa, bukankah itu sebuah fitrah seorang hamba? Semua itu hadir tanpa disedari sebelumnya hingga tanpa sedar telah menjadi sebahagian hidup yang tidak boleh dipisahkan lagi. Letih... Sungguh letih jiwa raga. Sendiri mengayuh biduk kecil dengan rasa hampa tanpa tahu adakah belahan jiwa di luar sana? Alahai... kehidupan manusia bukan hanya untuk dunia fana ini sahaja kerana masih ada akhirat yang kekal abadi. Memang, setiap manusia telah diciptakan berpasangan, namun tak hanya dibatasi oleh dunia fana ini sahaja. Seseorang yang belum menemui pasangan jiwanya, Insyaallah akan dipertemukan suatu hari nanti.

Keresahan dan kegelisahan janganlah sampai mengubah pandangan kepada Pemilik Cinta. Berserahlah kepada Maha Pemurah. Kembalikan segala urusan hanya kepadanya, kerana Dia Maha Memberi dan Maha Pengasih. Ikhtiar, munajat serta untaian doa tiada habis-habisnya dicurahkan kepada Pemilik Hati. Tak usah membandingkan diri dengan orang lain kerana Dia pasti memberikan yang terbaik untuk setiap hamba-Nya, meskipun adakalanya kita sekalian hamba tidak menyedarinya.

Usahlah dirimu bersedih lalu menangis di penghujung malam kerana tak kunjung usai memikirkan siapa kiranya pasangan jiwa. Menangislah kerana air mata permohonan kepada-Nya di setiap sujud dan keheningan pekat malam. Jadikan hidup ini penuh dengan harapan yang baik kepada Pemilik Jiwa. Bersiap menghadapi putaran waktu hingga setiap gerak langkah serta helaan nafas bernilai ibadah kepada Maha Pencipta. Bukankah kalau sudah saatnya tiba, jodoh tidak akan lari ke mana kerana sejak roh telah menyatu dengan jasad, siapa belahan jiwamu telah tersurat.

Sabarlah, bukankah mentari akan selalu menghiasi pagi dan malam senantiasa indah dengan sinar lembut rembulan dipagar bintang. Senyum dan hapuskanlah air matamu serta hilangkanlah lara di jiwa. Terimalah semua sebagai sebahagian kembara kehidupan yang akan menemui rahsia di sebalik titian kehidupan yang kau jalani. Hingga, kelak kau akan rasakan tidak ada lagi riak kegelisahan dan keresahan saat bersendirian.

Hope this article able to answer all the queries/worries. I know my dear friend, at this age 'this wedding thinggy' has become our worries after career achievement. And..this is also one of the good/great thing I hope to happen in my life in year 2011, Bizinillah..Let's pray for everyone...

"Setiap hamba Muslim yang mendoakan saudaranya pada ketika saudaranya itu tidak ada (tanpa pengetahuannya), maka malaikat akan berkata: “Semoga kamu juga mendapat seumpama (doa) itu." [HR Muslim]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new beginning..


It's now year 2011...

Begin with new things in life...

A new blog...

A new house... (insya-Allah next week will rent a room)

A new workplace... (insya-Allah next week will start work @Bank Rakyat)

A new study environment... (insya-Allah will commence study soon, very soon...)

and I'm hoping for a great ending for year 2011... Biznillah...